North East London Community Insights

Community Insights come from a wide range of sources including NHS Choices, Patient Opinion and Google Reviews; Healthwatch surveys, website feedback, enter and views and outreach; provider feedback such as Covid surveys, PALS and complaints data, thank you cards and compliments, community insight projects and engagement; voluntary and community sector projects and user feedback.
The Community Insights System (CIS) takes date from all of these sources and uses it to give indications of patients' and service users' views about health and social care services. Analysing the data in the CIS enables Healthwatch, NHS organisations and social care organisations to understand what people think about the services they receive.
Data can be used to provide both quantitative views - how many people think a service is good (or bad!) - and qualitative views - is a service seen as good or bad...
Data is updated more or less in real time to bring an up to date view of what people think, to help policy makers and service planners decide what is needed and how best to use resources.
To see more about CIS, and to view recent reports on a range of services including GP practices, health and social care services, hospital services, children's services and maternity services, both across North East London and in the individual boroughs, including Havering, click on the link below.