Support for people living with autism or a learning disability

We asked service users themselves, carers, family members and friends, professionals working in health and social care services and teaching, and GP practices to tell us about the services and facilities available to people living with autism and/or a learning disability.
The responses we received from respondents to our survey helped us to report to the local service commissioners and providers what people told us about the services available to them.
The survey was part of an exercise by the Havering Place-based Partnership to develop a new strategy for the delivery of services to people in Havering living with autism or a learning disability (or for the carers of such people).
What a fantastic report. That can't be ignored!
Havering SEND Family Voice Co Chair
Our report echoes what local Healthwatch organisations across England are finding. Healthwatch England has published a summary of findings: to read it Click here
Havering have published their All Age Partnership Autism Strategy which sets out the strategy for people with autism and their families. Although previous strategies relating to autism have been written and previous pieces of work have been undertaken regarding areas that impact on some people with autism, there has not been an overarching strategy that relates to people across all ages with autism. A key part of the strategy and its overall vision is to seek to ensure that Havering becomes an autism inclusive borough where people with autism have the same opportunities as everyone else.